Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Jan Michiels & The Gamelan Orchestra Ouverture Jaya Semara  Jan Michiels Performs György Ligeti  
 2. Dick Acidsoxx Ich Bin Ein Hamburger  Gyorgy Ligeti Re:compsed by Artists in the center of the bomb  
 3. Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts Atlanta Performs - August 21, 2007  Atlanta Performs Podcast  
 4. Henry Lim All the Tired Horses  Henry Lim Performs Dylan  
 5. ICP Orchestra Epistrophy  Performs Monk - Nichols  
 6. Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts Atlanta Performs - March 6, 2007  Atlanta Performs Podcast  
 7. Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts Atlanta Performs - September 25, 2008  Atlanta Performs Podcast  
 8. Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts Atlanta Performs - November 29, 2005  Atlanta Performs Podcast  
 9. Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts Atlanta Performs - January 31, 2006  Atlanta Performs Podcast  
 10. John Cage Suite for Toy Piano  Margaret Leng Tan performs John Cage Suite for Toy Piano (1948) at Other Minds 5, 1999   
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